Pets Classifieds

Sheep For Sale in Kennebunkport Maine

Sheep For Sale in Kennebunkport Maine

Brand new sheep skin car seat cover for compact car. Never used. $30 or best offer. Cash only;...
kennebunkport, maine » Sheep skin car seat cover...

Adorable hand made sheep and Alpaca ornaments, made with handspun yarn! $10 each.
kennebunkport, maine » Sheep & Alpaca Ornaments

******WILL NOT ANSWER ANY EMAILS THAT ASK, "IS IT STILL AVAILABLE?"******** ******* will not...
kennebunkport, maine » Magic sheep fur duster...

Men's sheepskin jacket custom made by Matterhorn Company, Napa, CA. Excellent condition, missing...
kennebunkport, maine » Sheep Skin Custom Jacket

We have two darling babydoll sheep for sale. A black ewe and white wether. Both are very bonded...
kennebunkport, maine » Babydoll Southdown Sheep

Katahdin production ewe: $125.00 Katahdin weaned lambs: $100.00 Very hardy sheep and lambs for...
kennebunkport, maine » Katahdin Sheep and Lambs...

Female sheep $100 each.
kennebunkport, maine » Female sheep

Good clean goats and sheep for sale. Have grown breeding nannies and Billy's. Also have grown...
kennebunkport, maine » Goats and sheep

katahdin sheep, we have registered and commercial katahdin lambs, mature ewes and three year old...
kennebunkport, maine » katahdin sheep

Sheep ,Registered Three year old Katahdin ram proven breeder throws beautiful lambs.
kennebunkport, maine » Katahdin ram

2 young mother sheep with 3 lambs .the lambs are now eating grain with mothers . they are priced...
kennebunkport, maine » hair sheep

3 ewe wool sheep. $200 each.
kennebunkport, maine » Wool sheep

Two Rams left, all ewes are sold... Blackhead Dorper hair sheep of African origin are the...
kennebunkport, maine » Blackhead Dorper Hair Sheep...

Sheep for sale. Dorper and Suffolk ewes $200. Rams $250 small sheep $150.
kennebunkport, maine » Sheep for sale. Dorper and...

Original by British painter Frank Percy Wild painted during his American travels between 1907 and...
kennebunkport, maine » Frank Percy Wild "Eagles...

Katahdin Hair Sheep Rams 2 years old, 6 available - $225 ea. Boer Cross Buck 1 year old, 1...
kennebunkport, maine » Sheep Rams, Boer Cross Goat...

3 Suffolk (blk face) yearling ewe lambs for sale. From purebred buck, bred for size. Great...
kennebunkport, maine » Sheep For Sale, Lambs

I have a couple purebred Suffolk sheep. One 2 year old girl. One 1 year old intact male. The...
kennebunkport, maine » Suffolk Sheep


Sheep For Sale in Kennebunkport Maine