Pets Classifieds

Chickens For Sale in Kennebunkport Maine

Chickens For Sale in Kennebunkport Maine

We Have everything you need to get started or maintain your current flock. We also sell feed and...
kennebunkport, maine » Very Rare Ayam Cemani Chickens

We Have everything you need to get started or maintain your current flock. We also sell feed and...
kennebunkport, maine » Very Rare Ayam Cemani Chickens

3 free young bantam chickens. Approx 6 mos old. I believe I have 2 roosters and 1 hen. prefer to...
kennebunkport, maine » 3 chickens

Malines breeding flock about 7 months old. Purchased directly from Greenfire farms for $60 each....
kennebunkport, maine » Malines Breeding flock...

I have 5 roosters and 3 guinea's available for trade.
kennebunkport, maine » Trade roosters for hens

** LF / large fowl cochin or standard cochin ((NOT bantam))** Have a few too many roosters and...
kennebunkport, maine » Rare STANDARD Large Fowl...

Brahmas Female chicks Male chicks Giant Roster White White Grey Black
kennebunkport, maine » Brahmas

FRENCH: Chicken Crevecoeurs EXTINCTION
kennebunkport, maine » Crevecoeurs

$4 for new hatchlings. They are guaranteed to be female. $7 for 4 week old red star female chicks.
kennebunkport, maine » Red star chicks

I have extra wonderful healthy roosters and would consider selling a Maran trio. BLRW are Foley...
kennebunkport, maine » BLUE LACED RED WYANDOTTE...

We have some nice heritage new Hampshire red hens, ages vary from 1-2. Also some other pullets...
kennebunkport, maine » Laying hens and pullets

 We have very healthy Ostrich Chicks and Ostrich Hatching Eggs. We sell at moderate prices...
kennebunkport, maine » Ostrich and Chicks (...

 We have very healthy Ostrich Chicks and Ostrich Hatching Eggs. We sell at moderate prices...
kennebunkport, maine » Ostrich and Chicks (...

Ostrich and Chicks  ( Poultry )   We have very healthy Ostrich Chicks and...
kennebunkport, maine » Outstanding Sheep flock for...

I am selling chickens for $1 I have 12 that need to go ASAP contact me by phone text or call...
kennebunkport, maine » ALL CHICKENS MUST GO

Will be happy to give a loving home to any unwanted chickens, guinies (wild chickens) turkeys,...
kennebunkport, maine » Any unwanted Chickens,...

Selling 5 Serama Roosters. $5/each or all 5 for $20. Call or Text 4four3-nine0seven-0two9zero.
kennebunkport, maine » Serama Chickens

Designed to hang pictures with mini clothespin on the chicken wire. Beautiful turquoise color...
kennebunkport, maine » Beautiful Rustic Picture...


Chickens For Sale in Kennebunkport Maine